Reclaiming Your Light: A Vision Board Workshop with Tess Mosko Scherer
Tuesday, November 11, 2025 | 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Vision boards are powerful tools for setting intentions and manifesting desires. Life can throw us in-to darkness, but we have the power to reclaim our light. This workshop invites you to tap into your inner strength, foster well-being, and create the life you deserve. The act of creating a vision board helps manifest the positive changes you want to bring into your life.
“Reclaiming Your Light” is a safe and nurturing space where you can embark on a journey and envision a brighter future filled with hope, purpose, and joy.
No prior experience is required. All materials will be provided, however you are encouraged to bring materials of personal meaning for you. That could include, magazines, copies of photographs (originals are optional), cards, ribbons, ephemera.
Double sided tape or glue
Backing board
Paper – colored, patterned, textured
Images, photograpsh, photocopies, notecards, etc
Straight edge
rags, paper towels
Fill in the form below to register.
Email Tess Mosko Scherer or 928-300-7185 for assistance.