Marbling with Kristel Nielsen
Tuesday, October 14, 2025  |  6:00pm – 8:00pm

Water Marbling is an art form that has been around for hundreds of years and is also called suminagashi in Japan and ebru in Turkey. This lovely art form creates abstract designs, always unique and one of a kind. The artist drops paint onto the surface of the water and swirls the paint with brushes and combs to make abstract patterns. When the design is complete, the artist dips paper, fabric or wood into the water to capture the design.

9×12 plastic containers to put the liquid in, paper towels, paint brushes, newspaper, apron, paint

Fill in the form below to register.
Email Tess Mosko Scherer or 928-300-7185 for assistance.

This is an ongoing series on the second Tuesday of each month.   Select the month you are registering for.

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