Palette Knife Painting with Sue Hunter
Saturday, April 5th 10am to 3pm
$60 Members/$70 Non-Members
Learn how to prepare the surface and paint with a flat palette knife to create looser paintings. This method eliminates unnecessary detail and works for both realistic and abstract work.
Sue is a native of Arkansas but has been in Arizona since 1960. She is a graduate of Western International University and has studied at Scottsdale Artists School and with individual instructors.
Supply List:
Flat palette knife (Hobby Lobby or Amazon) Amazon has a set one large and small together.
Joint knife flexible 6” or 4” (Ace or Amazon)
Small palette knife for small spaces (not flat)
Paper Towels
Charcoal pencils one black and one white.
Water container for acrylics and palette paper
Canvases – Any size but bring two you can use leftover acrylics to underpaint the second canvas.
Acrylic: Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, Yellow, Teal, Green, Rose, Purple, White and any other colors you like.
If you plan to paint with oils over the acrylic underpainting some suggestions are Cad Yellow Medium, Cad Red Light, Quinacridone Rose, Alizarin Crimson, Dioxazine Purple, Yellow Ocher, Sap Green and White. Or bring colors you prefer and use and non-ordorless solvent for cleaning brushes.
For questions you can contact Cynthia at