AAG Membership

For nearly 100 years AAG boasts a vibrant community of artists working in a wide array of mediums. AAG members are open-minded and encouraging to one another. The diversity of people and artistic expression inspires and ignites creativity.

  • Yearly membership is $50.

Membership Levels:

There are four classifications of membership: Associate, Juried, Golden and Life Members.

  • Associate Member: Must be at least 18 years of age. Upon joining AAG one is an Associate Member. Associate Membership benefits include: attending AAG meetings, social activities, Open Studio, Life Drawing, discounted AAG Workshop fees and is eligible to enter AAG sponsored exhibition with discounted fees.
  • Juried Member: Once the Associate member’s artwork has been accepted in three (3) AAG juried exhibitions they are eligible to apply for Juried Member Status. In addition to the benefits of the Associate Member, Juried Members may participate in special events and opportunities designated for Juried Members only.
  • Life Member: are approved by a quorum vote of the Board and shall have the same privileges as Juried Members.
  • Golden Member: Active members in good standing who are 90 years old or above and have been a member of AAG for at least 5 years are entitled to free membership as a Golden Member.

AAG Membership Information

Meet the Juried Members

Meet the Lifetime Members

Meet the Golden Members

Past Presidents


Your contribution will ensure we continue spreading positive, transformative change to members and non-members alike through our exhibitions, workshops and programs.