Get Involved

Attend a Board Meeting

The Board of directors meet the second Tuesday of the month from 6pm to 8:30pm. The meetings are open to all members. Come and see how we make the Arizona Artists Guild run.

If you have items that you want the board to discuss and possibly act on please contact the president (or any board member) ahead of time so that you can be put on the agenda.

We welcome all members.

Attend a Monthly Meeting

Join us on the third Tuesday of each month from September – May (except December) for an evening of networking with artists of all media, informative and entertaining presentations by experts in their fields, critiques of members artwork, a raffle, and competition for Artist of the Month.

A pre-meeting social hour begins at 5 p.m. with a pot-luck finger-food buffet. Feel free to bring something for the table to share.
You do not need to be a member to attend.

How Can I Participate?

By volunteering.  Here are some current opportunites to get involved.

Building Maintenance on-call
Historian Committee Member
Hospitality Committee
Raffle Committee Member
Social Media
Meeting Committee
And more….


What can you get out of being involved? AAG dependends on volunteers from the Board of Directors to greeters at events.  With a few hours a month you can be a part of continuing AAG’s mission to promote the arts through education, exhibition, and outreach.  Every volunteer makes a difference to AAG and the communities we serve.  Build friendships, expand your reach, learn new skills.  Volunteering at AAG is a rewarding experience.


Your contribution will ensure we continue spreading positive, transformative change to members and non-members alike through our exhibitions, workshops and programs.