Artistic License – Creating with Paint & Texture by Cindy Kovack

Cindy Kovack is a published artist, and art instructor residing in Cave Creek, AZ. She creates in a variety of mediums including watercolor, gouache, acrylic, collage, paper clay, and upcycled materials. Her strong suit is paint and collage, with an emotional twist, enabling the viewer of her art to clearly see, and feel her intent. She teaches students through her proven methods of creativity and positive energy. She has exhibited and instructed her art in galleries, shops, city, county & educational facilities, national art seminars, and First Friday venues.


Workshop Description

In this workshop you will be guided in taking artistic license in your art backgrounds. Learn unique ways to incorporate textural elements, types of textural materials, and how to adhere them to your surface. I will be instructing the purple tulip and demonstrating in gouache. You may use acrylic, gouache, or acryl gouache paints for creating. If you’ve not yet used gouache, feel free to give it a try in this class. It’s an opaque watercolor that paints much like acrylic and produces brilliant effects. Subject matter will include, but is not limited to composition, painting techniques, types; application of textural materials, color theory, glazing, sealing and producing a work of art with emotion and mood in the artist’s interpretation. The textural additions will render your piece to a three-dimensional artwork with visual interest.

$70 (Members) $80 (Non-Members)

click here for materials list