AAG Winter Exhibition

Winter Juried Exhibition
Open to all current AAG Members

Exhibition Dates: November 13, 2022 – January 8, 2023
Opening Reception and Award Ceremony: Sunday, November 13, 2022 | 2:00-4:00 PM
Entries Due: through October 24, 2022 | midnight

AAG Winter Exhibition Submission Form

Entries accepted through October 24, 2022 | midnight

Fill in the form below.  You many submit up to three images.
Images must be no larger than 2 MB file size per image.
Be sure to label each image with your last name and title. Example: smith_still life .
The quality of the photograph reflects the quality of your work.

The information you provide below will be used on the labels with the art.  Please be sure you include the appropriate information.

Submission Number One:

Submission Number Two:

Submission Number Three:

Hold Harmless Agreement

I have read and understand the entire contents of this Call for Entries and though every effort will be made to protect submitted  works of art, I understand that the Arizona Artists Guild cannot be responsible for damaged or loss to either the artwork or any  framing. I hereby declare that these submitted pieces have not been accepted in any previous AAG exhibition, and have been  completed in the last two years.

I have read the Hold Harmless Agreement and agree to the terms *

If  you are having trouble submitting this form, please call Vivian at 602-793-7973