A lot has changed in the last 30 days and change of this magnitude presents both risk and opportunity. If you can manage the risk you will have plenty time to focus on what really matters to you. Many distractions are eliminated allowing you focus on your art. Personally I am trying to take my miniature paintings to another level. I study the great landscape painters focusing on their mastery of composition, values, focal point, colors, atmosphere, mood etc. Also their painting techniques are well worth studying. If I were to write a book about this shelter-in-place time I would call it “Zen and the Art of Painting”. I hope you will find joy in your art.
The AAG is at a standstill through the end of May. With that in mind, we have mailed this newsletter to every member so you are informed. There will not be another newsletter until September, so check the website, follow AAG on FaceBook and be sure to sign up for eblasts if you haven’t yet. The Sculptors Group and the AAG Figurative Group have facbook pages for sharing and connecting. Be sure to join/like/follow to stay connected with your fellow artists. If you would like to establish a private facebook group or Zoom meeting and need assistance, email Tess Mosko Scherer at admin@arizonaartistsguild.net.
The Wednesday night critique group has established a virtual meeting and it has been quite productive and keeps the group engaged with each other and their art. Although it is not the same as meeting in person, it is one way to stay connected.
Be sure you have the current directory so you can email one another to keep moving forward together. Take photos of your art and email them to your friends. Plus there are thousands of educational videos on Youtube. Here are some I like. The oil painting videos of Liam Rainsfords and Yasser Fayad. The watercolor videos of Gary Tucker and Peter Sheeler. Also the drawing masters at the Fine Art Academy and Poko will amaze and challenge you. And all these videos are free – that’s right free. Sometimes I watch them on my cell phone in bed at night. But must admit that I do fall asleep on occasion.
Since we won’t be meeting until September, we have set up an on-line ballot to vote for Artist of the Year. Click here to vote. Be sure to vote!!
It is good to remember that the Arizona Artists Guild has been running for 92 years and it has survived many hard times. It will certainly survive this little setback. In fact when we get back together we will be better artists and have a greater appreciation for fellowship the AAG offers. These new found blessing will bring a crisp new vitality to the organization.
Do keep well until then.
Best Regards Ivan Halvorson