…. October is here and the trees will be turning yellow, orange and red – the harvest moon will be blazing in the evening sky – what a perfect time for artists. Let us take full advantage of the beautiful weather to be outdoors where social distancing is easy. In the nice Phoenix parks we can do our sculpture, needle work, painting, drawing, whatever safely together. We should enjoy one another’s company outdoors now because it may be a while before we can resume indoor gatherings. And after working at home for several months we have so much to share, so much to talk about.
My favorite Fall harvest painting is “Girl in Harvest Field” by Daniel Ridgway Knight (sold for 81,000 dollars). Born in Philadelphia USA he ended up in France living in a community of peasants and farm workers. Like many great artists he used his immediate surrounds to produce great works of art. Google him, his skill as an artist will amaze you. He saw the beauty in everyday mundane routines. See a high definition photo
As you can see in Artist of the Month entries many of us are progressing beyond all expectations. Congratulations to Maria Korlosak & Hank Keneally for winning artist of the month (September), Douglas Sydnor & Bela Fidel (August), and Alice Pelchat & Laura Cohen-Hagan (July). So many good artists are members of AAG. I know my miniature landscape paintings are better than they were 6 months ago. It is true that the three secrets of success are – practice, practice and practice. All things come to those who persist.

I would like to congratulate Tess Mosko Scherer on becoming a life time member of the AAG. Tess and David Bradley have brought the AAG into the digital age. This was a massive amount of work and now AAG has the capability to go global. There is no going back. However, we will need members with technical skills to step forward. I’m sure as time goes on more and more of us will have the technical skills to keep AAG relevant in Arizona and possibly expand our influence on the national and global scene.
Another talented and brave sole deserving of recognition is Rae Getz. Rae fearlessly took on the newsletter. If you have information for the newsletter contact Rae – news@arizonaartistsguild.net
Check out AAGs website. We have several exciting workshops coming up, links to instructional videos and more.
Alicia Plogman manages the Art Supply Store. This is a great place to purchase gently used art supplies and donate art supplies and possibly receive a tax deduction. Contact Alicia for an appointment.
Do Keep Safe.
Best Regards
Ivan Halvorson