Holiday Watercolor with John Erwin
Saturday, November 22, 2025| 10-2:00

NOTE: this class is open to anyone who attended the Veterans, Creative Distraction and Creative Journey classes this year.

John Erwin will lead us on a watercolor adventure that can be a painting, or made into a card that you can keep or send to a loved one.

Materials: watercolor paper, brushes, watercolor paint, water, paper towels. All supplies will be provided

Enjoy the holiday feast of turkey and all the fixings’ as a way to celebrate the holiday season and express gratitude to our Veterans and all who have attended classes in 2025. This is always a fun day.

No previous experience required. All materials will be supplied.

Fill in the form below to register.
Email Tess Mosko Scherer or 928-300-7185 for assistance.

This is an ongoing series on the second Tuesday of each month.   Select the month you are registering for.

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